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< All Ultimate Ears super.fi 3 studio reviews
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Ultimate Ears super.fi 3 studio
Ultimate Ears super.fi 3 studio
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lapingatore lapingatore
Published on 05/05/08 at 02:29
I've received a few hours and they never left me since.
For now, no fatigue unlike my Sony apparently more available at the friend thotho.
The only drawback of the Ultimate Ears in my opinion compared to the Shure E2 or Sony would be the size that I find a little imposing. I thought so just seeing the pictures and chose the model for more transparent option, but I think their comfort will make me quickly forget that little lacking.
The audio quality is there and it's still the principal. I pushed the volume to test and it sends really, but I prefer to listen at low volume, to preserve my ears Pitit and again, no worries.
The ears monitors come with 4 nozzles and chose mosses m'isolent of ambient noise and allow me to listen to low level, with great sound quality.
In short, a rather convincing first test on my player, pending a trial on stage in a few days.
In addition, their price has dropped in recent days, a phenomenon rare in this day and age.
I put 8 / 10 because of the price which despite its recent decline seems a bit high compared to manufacturing costs and development of this type of product. Quality is still the medicine go down.