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Line 6 Crunchtone
Line 6 Crunchtone

Overdrive pedal from Line 6 belonging to the ToneCore Pedals series

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Published on 04/09/06 at 11:42
For technical dtails see other opinions. What is surprising is the strong aspect of this that DGIG PDAL


It n'tait not come with the manual it is easy to download on the site Line6
Using very easy


It follows the "chorus of praise" from other users that I bought the pedals without trying it (what a mistake!). I must say that when you live a small town the choice is plutt normal limits. What dception Once connected, it's 100% synthetic. I t could not get good sound. I use a Lag Roxanne standard on a Fender Twin Reverb. The draft's silent, screaming in both singles and doubles windings.
Good for those who are satisfied, for my part it was a dsastre.
As I said, I note for a paper


I keep 15 days time limit to return to normal. Yet I believe have made the rounds of all rglages, do my guitar and my amp does not fit? I possde other pedals (Digitech, Rocktron, Electro-Harmonix) without having encountered such a problem. I wanted to give my opinion, trs subjective opinions for tempra trs / too positive. For me the leon is good, I will trust the most reviews, even if they are convinced, rightly, to be of service! Confirmation that all gots are in nature and that Prior testing is mandatory.