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Mi Audio Blues Pro Overdrive
Mi Audio Blues Pro Overdrive
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thinlynyrd thinlynyrd

«  Amazing »

Published on 06/14/11 at 04:45
Overdrive classic rglages 3 (drive / tone / level) + 1 switch.


RAS for its use. Format Reduces apprciable.


That it has become the most surprising for pedals of this price and if mconnue: a rev sounds really good! J'apprcie particulirement the crunch (1st half of the race of the knob, boost switch not activated. It's both organic (very natural) and super-clean (the sound of the scratch is not dnatur.


I have over the past year, I use that in my pdalier ftiche j'emmne for rpeter, o and dedicates it solely for the crunch sounds (a T Rex dedicates to the sounds as leads). Whether with a Les Paul or a Start, the crunch is still trsrussis (nb: I play in the Southern Rock style). I have long compared with Tubescreamer well and are not sr picture: I found the TS below, including a lack of scale agaant (you know, ct " quacks "in the sound of Boss distos example ...). Ct of the IM-AUDIO is a remarkable clarity, while prservant the "wooden guitars. Trs is similar channel amp for example. A Reserved so good to scratch might be the! may be some will find it too transparent? Report qualitprix without competition. I do not change it for the world today.