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Gemini DJ iKey Plus
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Published on 08/06/08 at 16:30
I use this product for two years, recording for concerts in churches Droulez (organ, choir, orchestra, etc.).

Although it fulfills its recording functions properly, this device has a default: Stereo microphone supplied with the product is of poor quality trs:
- No 400 Hz frequency drives infrieures!
- Too much wind.
It is therefore essential to touch on his APRS registration for a minimum of noise Fidler.

Aside from the problem of size, it should be noted that "plant" for no reason other time. In registration phase, this requires vrifier frquemment that the recording light is always on.

Ct practice, as the cover left open, it does not have the connections being protected from dusts. It does not store the microphone.

With exprience, I would do not that choice, rather prfrant to turn to a device, certainly more honreux, but much better quality: Zoom H4 for example.