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Yamaha A3000
Yamaha A3000
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Chris.angel Chris.angel
Published on 01/20/03 at 06:22
This machine is already in standard, very impressive on its features and capabilities:
- Polyphoonie 64 votes
- MIDI 16 shares
- Sampling frequency up to 44.1 KHz
- 54 types of effects
- Three blocks of independent effects
- Compatible with AKAI, EMU, WAV and AIFF
- 4 outputs (2 main + 2 assignable)

In addition, the expansion possibilities greatly increase the benefits of this sampler:
- Up to 128 MB of memory
- SCSI Internal Hard Drive
- Additional card with 6 analog audio outputs, 1 input and 1 digital output S / PDIF.


From the point of view 'features', Yamaha is always very generous. Alas, it is often at the cost of intuitiveness and ease of use.

However, if you take the time to review the manual, the approach of the machine becomes much easier. The use of menus presented in a matrix is, at least initially, a little confused. But with a little experience, they are very practical and well organized.

One might regret the absence of graphical representation of the wave. But the tools and editing features fill the gap. Finally, trim unwanted sections to the right place or create a loop is relatively fast and efficient.


The quality and effectiveness of the filters are amazing. Similarly, the sonic possibilities are truly extensive.

In addition, the module 'Effects' offers 54 types of effects of quality and sometimes original.


After extensive market research, the A3000 proved the master purchase.

In competition with the Akai S2000, S2800, S3000XL, S3200 and E-Mu ESI2000 and 4000, he was selected because:
- It is relatively recent (from 1997 to version 1, 1998 for 2),
- It is equipped with an internal OS (not on disk)
- It offers 54 standard types of effects filters and many,
- It supports up to 128 MB of memory,
- The A / D converters - N / A are very good quality,
- It samples up to 44.1 kHz,
- It already has, as standard, 4 outputs,
- It can be equipped with a SCSI hard drive internal
- The features are complete,
- The price / quality ratio is really very good.

In short, for a very very correct, it provides a recent and comprehensive sampler equipped with a multi-quality effects, and can change according to user needs. Perhaps only he has no awareness of the brand in terms of the sampler, but it has everything else.