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Akai Professional MPC1000
Akai Professional MPC1000
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Published on 06/19/06 at 11:22
- I will spare you the technical features, you can read below.

- The machine comes with factory presets, very average quality, but that is not the goal ...

- Level of the features it has evolved since the days when I bought it. There is now a hard disk, timestretch, pitch shift, the reverse, the LFO, etc ... who have completely rediscover my machine I had some dropped in favor of Live. But here the features are plain satisfactory, especially considering the price has dropped significantly ...

<p class="bbcode-offtopic"> Off topic: <span>Speaking of USB MBM does not come with the cable, it will get one</span>


I would say that in one day we can assimilate 50% of the functions of the beast, without reading the manual, which is very respectable

However I still advise you to read the manual, you learn quite a lot ...

The manual is in English, but it is very understandable and can be even better since the machine is in English. I thought at first it was something I could do without but there are plenty of features and tricks to be discovered by reading the left and right ...


(This section is weak, an MPC is made to bring its own sound ...)
However, there are only two assignable effects is low, but not always around the problem by recording a sample with its effect and the réassignat a pad then ....
In terms of drums, it sounds quickly and done well, as can be expected from an MPC worthy of the name.
the reaction velocity is nickel.

If your pads have problems, it's pretty easy to replace or repair. If you're ever in this case send me a message I will tell you what to do.


It's been two years since I have it, this machine is enormous. Since the updates to the OS, the hard disk and new OS unofficial ahead, the interest of the machine has greatly increased and exceeded my expectations.

Everyone who came here are really criticizing hopeless. They obviously bought their MPC without knowing what it is. The MBM is perfect in features, except in terms of effects which are rather average.

With that I think no reason to buy the MPC2500 ...