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Akai Professional MPC500
Akai Professional MPC500
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neptah neptah
Published on 03/31/08 at 07:20
For CHARACTERISTICS, I let you see below.

Ngatifs points:

- A single output
- The MPC 500 can not CONTRL midi

Memory of Origin: sufficient extension: abuse


When you have never touch an MPC, may be Drout to beginners. It's just taking a shot

Personally, I got hold of it, then Chisho with MPC 60. More basic, more simple to use despite his great age that just push us to believe that it is more difficult to use.
In short, as the technology increases, the fade with intuitiva 10,000 10,000 buttons in menus ... Bullshit ... Especially the effects of this shit it possde 500!



Personal I'm never full. Sample it well, it made its taf.
I find that even dcle a certain warmth in the sound sample. Rve I can be ...

In any case, nothing wrong level. In addition, I like the filter rsons. This is not the best but I like ...

You will not see me about the factory sound banks: a killing me the number of pseudo producers who talk about a tab was a sound like a report ... When we talk about noise we are talking about talking converters, rendering ...

And for those who say that the banks are not terrible, I say, these sound banks is that the bonus for those who know how to use ...

The effects: it seems to me that I said all dj ... Go not, there may be the delay that I like to use ...


I for one year.

Personally, I find that a flat ring, with no flavor particulire (I speak of the groove, Character ,...)

The MPC 60 ct it sounds pro, is an artistic dimension tural MPC in this amazing ...

But the me that is a gadget again.
Do not think I snubs or anything, the MBM 60 is less CHRE because I find almost become deprecated ... but it must at least try the 60 or 3000 to realize the dcalage ...

Although sr, my opinion does that as composing instrumentals ... Live, I think even when it can be INTERESTED in some aspects.
But even when, as squenage pure MBM, either 60, 300, or 500, there is no such thing! True, it is still the same top squenceur of 500 ... Only the 500 it squence what? there is virtually no possibility noon and its in-house that sounds flat ... You're quick tour!