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Korg ElecTribe Es-1 MkII
Korg ElecTribe Es-1 MkII

Sampling Sequencer from Korg belonging to the ElecTribe series

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Big Job Head Big Job Head
Published on 01/28/05 at 07:29
It is a rhythm box based samples.
output left / right / headphones
mic / line inputs and STREO
midi in / out / thru
Smart Media (64 max)
What of the classic

for each pattern it has 8 tracks + 1piste time slice (sample dcoup + 1 + 1 audio track accent (not quite unwillingly trs useful)
a block of 11 assignable effects (by a pattern on any track) + 1 in master delay
and finally the motion squence (automation)

cot squenceur scared: 4 poor pattern measurements and only 4 time signatures, a BAR is not: drive a squenceur supreme.

I read everywhere that there is not enough time for samples, I recall that the ES1 is a box rhythms and is therefore designed to will integrate mostly one shot samples. The intgration audio loop is so unwillingly he better not be used for this purpose (rsultat mdiocre possible but most of the time compared to a "real" sampler) to sample less mlodiques minimalist lines.


This machine is intuitive trs (a bit order). There is no hidden function, any Newbee Will arrive to turn this bcanne no problem.

Some, however, are quite dtails pnibles: Can not save a mute pattern.Ds you are doing stop dmutent all parties, we must juggle mutates into a d s The beginning of squence and then make a break for each new pattern which is not very practical.
Also impossible to put into VENTS not no song mode while it is possible to do pattern mode, for trspnible also mute.

Otherwise it's all good: the knobs are a good rpondent Resistors and rather well, all functions are visible, led the "original value" very practical.


Ben sounds, seen that it is a sampler is sure to make it sound. If you return it sounds cheap sound cheap.
Otherwise the sounds are original hair (especially the voice, I still remember the "YEAH" super cheesy) but for many unusable (and who wants to use the factory sounds from a sampler).

In effect there is at least good as well, and in any case use it sparingly otherwise end up with a big shit sound
The reverb is one of the rotten I have ever heard (trs trsmtallique) range rglages the ring mode is far too broad to that seen in the treatment effect and made a pitch shifter very poor.
Caution, this does not mean that these effects are unusable but it makes the sound edition limit. Better to do the bulk of the sound processing on a computer and use the internal effects of changes to live.

The expressiveness is almost nonexistent. The focus is not ditable track and it was too big a cart with the tracks without accents. We must therefore do everything to the volume which is much longer for a given homogne.


I use it for 2 months and am generally happy because I n'esprais not much more of this machine. I used to flatten the Ides and make minimal electronic components (there is not much else to do with 8 tracks).

Squenceur it in stand alone
-The audio edition
VENTS no-no no song mode (everything is read)

the most:
-The rgonomie
-Use for live (the knobs)

In short this machine is terrible as live rhythm module (slave) or for beginners as Premire machine.
report quality price is right compar her older sister (ESX1) that the views of CHARACTERISTICS, is the theft of nine