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Fender FM 65R
Fender FM 65R
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kiki69 kiki69
Published on 05/11/07 at 14:23
It's a transistor amp. Power, it says DeSUS: 65W passes through a big bowl of 30cm. The amp is not big trs, but it is heavy (guarantee of solidity ???).
Two guitar input
Two cranberry: a clean and saturated. Possibility to switch from one another by a footswitch (not to be mistaken for MODEL, otherwise it is tinkering ...)
A rverbe. Finally, if you will, because I've never heard.


This is not an amp "taking head". One branch is Trifouille buttons until it is obtained the ITS.

I have had with a manual. Two pages in French ... But hey, there is no effect (like reverb does not work) for the rest we dbrouille.


I play a little bit of everything from ballads, rock, hard rock, etc. ... As it is versatile, it suits me perfectly. The sound precisely: it dpend the guitar that you put on it. I know, has appeared empty. But to use several guitars (Ibanez, Charvel and Aria) with 3 micro diffrent configs, do not be mistaken. Anything that looks like a START sounds perfectly on the clean channel, with a little crunch when you slam the strings, yum ...
The overdrive channel is good, but rglages (including medium with slecteur) are sensitive trs.
With the Ibanez RGT42 (2 Dimarzio pickups), the clean sound is clean but especially saturated that happiness is l. It sounds terrible. Just rgler the volume of the amp hard enough, then adjust the volume of the guitar. It really sends. The sound is prcis, powerful, can be a little cold (transistors).

The problem of this amp is that you put watts for a ring. The family and neighbors apprcient medium, even in the house.


I use it for a year. I love this capacity to marry in a same song, sounds clean and saturated without breaking the head with a pdalier sophisticated and can use several types of guitars. What I find teacher, it is the obligation to put watts to enjoy the amp. It is of course scne in a room ...
I had not tried other models at the time of purchase, but since I bought other amps smaller, less powerful, but I rgulirement back on it.
The bte seems sturdy. The report quality price seems good, with a BMOL for the reverb. I know there is a version with a DSP, more expensive.
With exprience as I'm not scne, I took a less powerful MODEL certainly lamps.