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Tech 21 Power Engine 60 1x12
Tech 21 Power Engine 60 1x12
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Brrr Brrr
Published on 04/14/07 at 09:27
Transistor amplifier 60 watts.
Connectivity trs simple input and output XLR and Jack inputs, one volume knob and 3 for the legalization.


Trs simple to use, plug the amp simulator in and immediately sends the bulk provided they have good patches on his amp simulator.
In addition it is lightweight (just 15kg), looks solid and frankly of the mouth, you think? Good as or small (tiny?) BMOL: The pots derrire place, it gives priori estthisme plutt that practice. But a good rest easy all of the same to be ACCS! Moi perso j'adore! : P


given that it is neutral as it spits out all that feeds him with the most Fidler possible, so it is ultra versatile. I play it with a ToneLab SE and really gives her a PCHE monstrous! 60 Watts? I swear at least 100! It's immense power is obtained with this amp! I dare not push has half ..... Fear for walls and upholstery! ^ ^

edit: Ouch! I pushed the amp to play with a battery (not Exceeds 4 / 10 on the EP with my ToneLab 4 / 10 also: D And bin l. ....!!! !!!!! Ouch! The dynamics of the amp is modlises We really feel like playing on an amp lamp! (at least I have the same feelings with my valbee!) This Exceeds my expectancy at amp, I bought it to make out the sound of my ToneLab SE but it also adds a little more ... It's huge! The sound is better that the headphone! stunning!
I put good TDI 10 ... not really it can not put 11 .. I leave good bin 10, a maximum score Fully MRIT ^ ^


I've had today and I looked for a while! With my ToneLab SE is finally an amplification means terrible! I may be still in shock or too happy with my new purchase so my opinion might seem subjective, but trs well I'll keep you posted when I noticed a weakness in this amp you can count on me! In any case advise all owners of amp simulators (ToneLab, pod, etc ...) You will not regret.