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Soundiron First Anniversary Sale

Soundiron has announced a major sale to celebrate its first year on earth, going on now until Tuesday August 7th, 2012 (12AM Pacific Time).


  • $100 Off All Bundles.
  • $100 Off Olympus Choral Collection.
  • $80 Off Requiem Light.
  • $50 Off Emotional Piano.
  • $50 Off Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble.
  • And the new Struck Grand for $99.


Downloads are provided by the Continuata delivery system or through any web browser, with multiple server back-ups and automatic installation. All of these items are also available on DVD, delivered forthe added cost of shipping & handling (CA residents pay 8.75% sales tax on DVD orders only).


All open-format libraries are designed for the full version of Kontakt 4.2.4 or later. Only the Player Editions of Requiem Light and Emotional Piano are supported by the free Kontakt Player.


The Player Editions for both Requiem Light and Emotional Piano qualifies users for Native Instrument’s special cross-grade discount on the full version of Kontakt 5Click Here for more info.

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