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Ibanez RG321MH
Ibanez RG321MH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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MGR/Marty MGR/Marty

« Ibanez RG370DX »

Published on 04/24/03 at 15:00
Online purchase at www.regent-guitars.co.uk payed £361 becausei had outgrown my first, 'starter' guitar.

I like the excellent playability. The wizard II neck is very thin and it is remarkably easy to rip through scales our to slide down the 24 fret neck. The sound is very clear and distinct, the clean sound is dark and warm and has a real professional quality to it. The distorted sound just oozes power from the bridge humbucker, the sound of the instrument is clear at high volumes even under very thick distortion. I run my guitar through a Marshall MG100DFX with a Boss MT-2 Metal Zone and it sounds very, very metal! The pinch harmonics sound very good, as does tapping, tremlo picking, palm muting...anything i've tried really. The lo-pro edge tremolo system is great for thrash/death/even power metal solos.

The pickups are a little noisy, any impact on the body creates quite a large sound and sometimes the sound on the higher strings can be drowned out by relatively small background noise.

The lo-pro edge II system obviously means that tuning is slightly more of a task. It doesn't take too long, and string changing is not extremely difficult but obviously it does add to the time somewhat. It holds tuning pretty well, and when it does drop, it tends to remain in tune with itself, so it is still ok for private practice.

Im no expert here, but it is a basswood body. It has a bolt on neck and the fretboard is rosewood. It is of a nice weight, not incredibly heavy, but not cheap feeling.

Generally, i am exceptionally pleased with the guitar, it was everything i had expected and simpler than i had imagined. The sound is what matters and it plays beautifully. Probably more of a guitar for hard rock or metal players, but then it is an RG. For the price, it is outstanding [although i did only pay the price for the cheaper RG270DX, but they are no longer made]

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com