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Lâg The Blues
Lâg The Blues

STC-Shaped Guitar from Lâg belonging to the The Blues series

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pixies_fr pixies_fr
Published on 10/10/04 at 11:37
Manufacturing Franaise
22 frets
Two humbuckers
In a Seymour Duncan bridge
A lag in race
Say anything cot quality! It really is a beautiful toy


The neck is super enjoyable to play and Access in acute poses no problem
The shape is not only trs trs lgante and adapts well. No worries even to play sitting down!
The only problem is its weight! And yes! it's solid for sure but then for those who play esprent standing over an hour ... I would advise them to invest in a very wide strap


No doubt! trs rang loud! The bridge pickup provides clear and sounds pretty good qualitbr /> The neck pickup it is a little more dcevant! By combining the two we get enough of sth round and well equilibrated trs! A level lev gives her a super hot and sustain the thunder!
I use a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe! on the other hand I have to buy a qualiseur .... I was really too low .....
If you are a fan of your crystal clear fender, you will not be satisfied compltement! For example, a strato sounds much less strong but net! Ms. Lag MG 100 is the low-end brand gives a clearer sound!
It's empty you can not compare a Les Paul but I would nanmois currieux plug it into a marshall head type Super Lead
In conclusion I would say it's a guitar with a trs hot and powerful!
If you are looking for a reliable guitar and it was she who trs versatile you!


I use it for a year!
It's really a beautiful guitar trs, trs solid, which, if one takes care can last a lifetime
The price pretty levenviron 1000) is easily explained given the quality of manufacturing
Fan of the fender, I would have AIM sound a little clearer
To be fully satisfied, I think that ending for Statocaster should take place in my cot Lag :-)