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Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
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guillaumebzh guillaumebzh

«  The Slap! »

Published on 02/11/13 at 10:37
Microphones mounted fortnight ago days, ordered on Saturday, received the following Thursday in a nice little box that smells "crafts". Son fabrics, everything is very clean ... These are just mics like many others but the finish is still above that found in fender for example. In short, from the beginning, it inspires confidence.
I found these pickups by chance when I went on various forums and ordered it based on some opinions available and really, I do not regret it .. Cheap pickups wound by hand compared to others and made in France nothing to spoil.

In addition, Marc is available and valuable advice when it comes to what to put as a capacitor. For my part, I put a 0.1μF oiled paper, reproduction of those 60 years, which "dirty" sound slightly when the knob is all the way.

I put the microphone on a strat classic player 60, who had CS69 which I was happy, but something was missing ... and a bit too loud in easel.
With these pickups strat L series, it really transformed the sound is impressive dynamics, all positions are exploitable, the bridge pickup is slamming but just enough not to blow your eardrums. The neck pickup on it is a pure delight ...
The grain is vintage, never aggressive, how enjoyable!
Position in middle / bridge, with a little reverb, it was THE Knopfler sound, it goes back 2 notches and there is Hendrix little wing ... Anyway, I will not mention them all but it's really amazing what I can learn, despite my poor level!

And I repeat, that leaves me "on your ass" is the dynamic that we caress the strings or that we go in as failed in clean or crunch, it's still well defined with great presence and his very hot. Obviously, it requires dosing attack and apply for any approximation does not forgive ... Even less in a Bassman 66.

My opinion is worth what it is and it's still subjective, but if I must change to another micro scratches, it will take care of that Marc!
Thank you!