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Arobas Music Guitar Pro 4
Arobas Music Guitar Pro 4
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Le Taz Le Taz
Published on 09/01/08 at 07:03
Installation without problem. For dtails computer, count me out of all fawn.


See above ...


I use it for 5 or 6 years. My software is essential. I thanks her progress. Not the tabs that can be found (90% full of errors), but that the work can be couraging with: what is clearly conoit s'nonce clearly. It allows you to put his own guitar parts, to rflchir (these are not the fingers that should do the job!). In short I work all my compositions and arrangements with this software, which allows me to communicate at once with other zicos (keyboard, drummers, etc.).. I used To create my own backing track that I refine cubase and then with a few plugs.
The only BMOL is the acquisition of midi file with the "triple". I tried all the ability to import, always with the same measures galre wrong (too much or not enough notes, dcalages).
This software should be provided with each guitar!