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Fender Deluxe VM
Fender Deluxe VM

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Fender

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«  The super hearts »

Published on 09/20/11 at 01:32
40W lamps
2 channels
reverb + chorus + delay


Ultra easy to use


I spent a year trying every amp combos that existed at Pigalle 200 to € 600.
I ended up falling on that one.
The clean sound is great, as is often the Fender, but not as bright as other models, which suits me because I like too much too bright and too clean that pierce the eardrums. There is a clear, very hot and round that I love.
The channel saturated frankly surprised me. I was used to distos really ugly on Fender amps, and no such glaring round just, well, is not at all, it sounds to the blues as well as for the right rock though rare, and still I never exceed 7 / 10 for the saturation level. Frankly I love the distortion that I find good music. It sounds great with a Start and a Les Paul, it sends really heavy.

40Watts tube at the beginning I thought about not even, I was aiming rather 5W tube. But having found nothing satisfactory one day a salesman asked me to try this model.
Ben frankly I regret it. I play in my studio, which is true, is not tiny, and I have no worries neighbors. But I think it is exploitable at reduced volume. For clear sound, it's true that I never exceed the 1 or 2 out of 10, but I still sound full.
I'm recording, and repeat, and it is perfect. With a good microphone in front of the amp, it sounds terrible offers on models.
Now it is true that in a small apartment with neighbors next door, well, it should perhaps not.
When I takes me on stage, I want to do a little spit and it is a treat. plus not too bulky and not too difficult to transport.

When the effects, they are very satisfactory. The reverb is like all the amps, we understand why it is up to 10, since we can not exceed 1 or 2, otherwise it looks like nothing, but it does not sound too bad, it ' is honest.
When the chorus and delay, well they are very good and very easy to use.
It comes with a 4-button footswitch, the blow a bit much, but hey at least it holds up on stage.


In short, for this budget and this Used Electronic, I am 100% satisfied with my purchase. The only thing I miss (but I have not seen on many amplifiers), it is a switch "boost" for solos on stage, which simply increase the volume. But we can not have it all.
This is my first tube amp, and now I understand those who say that once you have tasted it can do without it.