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Marshall DSL401
Marshall DSL401

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Marshall belonging to the JCM2000 DSL series

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« Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 401 »

Published on 03/04/05 at 15:00
I got this off reidys.com for £388 because I wanted some good built in distortion in my amp...

I like the sturdyness of this and the way you can have loads of different distortions and clean tones. I play punk/emo which it is good for however its good for pretty much anything.

I dont like the fact its only 40 watts and that the palm muting sounds weak in the full on distortion mode but i'm getting a 1936 marshall cabinet for it and probably a boss gt-6 to back up the distortion.

This thing seems very sturdy I mean I havent properly tested it but I trust Matt Bellamy in that marshall are built like a brick and Ive seen him stand on the 1960 cabinet and still play through it and im sure they're all built to pretty much the same standard.

I would suggest getting this but if you have any extra cash maybe get the dsl50 head as its not too much more and you can get a smaller cabinet for £200

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com