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< All Gemini DJ TT 02 reviews
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Gemini DJ TT 02
Gemini DJ TT 02
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sherkane sherkane
Published on 06/18/09 at 12:26
Audience: Beginners
I use these plates for 3 years now and I really galley! Quite good for beginners, but change as soon as possible. As mentioned above they are not resalable between 50 and 80 euros! The engine gets tired in the short term, and they are expensive if they are moving too in the evening (in + not be stable at the base). In other words, after a year of regular use they are old. I can not find the pitch so vague that suggests, but other brands offer a few more euros more efficient models. Low price but duly justified. I aim now numark, and when the wallet is filled M5G the top of the top.