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< All Toontrack dfh SUPERIOR reviews
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Toontrack dfh SUPERIOR
neumann08 neumann08
Published on 01/13/06 at 01:04
Installing a bit long, but hey, there's even when placed on the 35 GB hard .... ca can not be done in 5 minutes! Installing Vsti takes 2 min. Y'en three: "drummer" for a battery, "cocktail" for a mini kit, and "percusionnist" for a lot of percussion ...


I have a PIV 3GB fsb 800, with 1GB of DDRRam 400. It cause. It takes at least that if you want to run everything in real time with the room mics (which are in addition to overheads !!!!!). It is running Nuendo 3, with a Motu 2408 MKIII. Super stable. I takes only 8 because you still have a big BCAN, but hey, see how it sounds, no wonder ...... c


I for one year. I programmed a little mouse, has already sounded good. But recently, I pay a Roland TD3 and then, we touch the sublime! Everything runs perfectly, it's an incredible ism (I mean, especially with headphones, because otherwise, I hear my wand on rubber pads! Lol) All nuances of the game are l. And for those who know it and Morgen Aagren Thomas Haake (Meshuggah) who made the catch, ie two drummers fly very high. There's more and enormment choice in drums, cymbals etc ... I have not tried the Competition, but I doubt that qq'un did better this time. A must. Absolutely necessary.