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Warwick Bass Camp Raffle

Warwick lets you win free attendance to the Warwick Bass Camp 2012, including a 250 Euro grant for travel expenses.

You can join the Competition on their Facebook page (www.facebook.com/warwickframus), starting on July 9th 2012. The winner will be drawn out of all participants, by means of a drawing lots procedure, on July 23rd 2012.


The Warwick Bass Camp 2012 takes place from September 4th to September 7th at Warwick’s headquarters in Markneukirchen, Germany, gathering about 80 bassists. There will be clinics in the morning focusing on playing
abilities and Master Classes in the afternoon, where questions can be asked about life in the music business, recording techniques, tour experiences and more.

Musicians such as Lee Sklar, Steve Bailey, Jonas Hellborg, Divinity Roxx, T.M. Stevens, John B. Williams and others have offered their time as lecturers. The participation fee is 399 Euro including 5 nights and group dinners.


You can also register at www.gitarrebass.de/BassCamp.

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