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Gemini DJ VH-101M
Gemini DJ VH-101M
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r2-d4 r2-d4
Published on 02/13/10 at 17:57
Value For Money : Excellent
Audience: Beginners
* For how long have you been using it?
I use it for 1 year and a half

Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

Yes the Sennheiser Freeport and the shure PG 58

What is the specific feature you like best, the least?

+: Very pleasant, ergonomic, it is very nice! -: Parasites, cell of lesser quality

How do you report qualitprix?


I do not know, I think j'conomiserai a little more, to have a higher quality microphone such as PG 58. This is an excellent microphone for beginners, but not good enough quality for my work.
But Perfect for Confrences!