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Fryette Amplification Deliverance 4x12

All user reviews for the Fryette Amplification Deliverance 4x12

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Value For Money : Poor
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  • guitar-juguitar-ju

    Fryette Amplification Deliverance 4x12Published on 08/10/07 at 02:21
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - How long have you use it?
    I use it for about 1 month.
    - What is so special that you like most and least?
    What I like most is undoubtedly the big warm sound it gives off, the look and for once the weight for a 4x12! (Far below 50kg as most ...).
    The HP (Eminence P50E mounted from the front) have made a fabulous (the bass is huge but not deaf, mediums slightly back to make room for sharp-edged but not screaming) and an accuracy of interest (if ...), and if it is in clean, crunch or lead!

    What I like least as often is the checkout ... and it would be wise to put protection for the corners of the baffle.
    - Have you tried many other models before buying it?
    Yes, I think enough t…
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    - How long have you use it?
    I use it for about 1 month.
    - What is so special that you like most and least?
    What I like most is undoubtedly the big warm sound it gives off, the look and for once the weight for a 4x12! (Far below 50kg as most ...).
    The HP (Eminence P50E mounted from the front) have made a fabulous (the bass is huge but not deaf, mediums slightly back to make room for sharp-edged but not screaming) and an accuracy of interest (if ...), and if it is in clean, crunch or lead!

    What I like least as often is the checkout ... and it would be wise to put protection for the corners of the baffle.
    - Have you tried many other models before buying it?
    Yes, I think enough to be able to realize it was him I needed.
    (Marshall 1960A Celestion G12T-mounted in the bottom 75 and Celestion V30 top, Marshall 1960b mounted Rola Celestion G12-65, NOS Vintage Touch 4x12, 4x12 Mesa Boogie, Custom Audio 4x12 Celestion Greenback mounted, Kustom 4x12 mounted Celestion V30 ...)
    - How would you rate the quality / price?
    Despite a high rate (over 1500 euros a high price ...) the price / quality ratio is excellent and undeniable!
    - With experience, you do again this choice? ...
    Of course I would do this choice in a heartbeat, it's simply the best speaker that I know So you guess my rating: 10/10
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