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Korg microKORG
Korg microKORG

Analog Modeling Synth from Korg belonging to the micro series

Published on 01/19/08 at 20:16






I've had about 2 weeks.
I wanted a keyboard to add notes / sheets / bass prods on my MPC
I found that many had beatmakers I followed ... I bought it! This is my first keyboard. I do not know much in this area but the MicroKorg slap!
Many sounds, although the possibility of tearing and frankly it is far from sound "botempi"
I read that some said "if you want the true analog pass your way"
I say that if you have the 3000 and a few euros for a trip all the better!
Meanwhile the fate of MicroKorg sounds and I think those who can handle it arrive
to make things right. Are low fat.
The look torn, it is light and I just could fault his mono. I find that it's really crap.
That's my opinion is not very "pro". I would say that I love my Korg to love and it is far from playing in the yard of the small. Although it is not very big ...