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Elektor Formant

Elektor Formant

Analog Synth Rack/Sound Module from Elektor

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Elektor FormantPublished on 11/02/09 at 15:03
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
1 week ago I took my motorhome to pick up a form in Germany,
and then you say, this type is calibrated,
3VCO, 1VCF, 3 LFOs, 2ADSR, 1 SEQ ANALOG, among other things and all that for 450 Euros
it became my favorite synthesizer, which drives me to increase the components of this wonder,
its mono is not a problem,
A slight little problem with my friend from across the Rhine to find the solution is the lack of assay volume for the different waveforms
installation of 5 volume buttons for each waveform, can refine the grains of sound, genial.

Notice all the happy owner for knowledge sharing

Formant your

Pierre …
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1 week ago I took my motorhome to pick up a form in Germany,
and then you say, this type is calibrated,
3VCO, 1VCF, 3 LFOs, 2ADSR, 1 SEQ ANALOG, among other things and all that for 450 Euros
it became my favorite synthesizer, which drives me to increase the components of this wonder,
its mono is not a problem,
A slight little problem with my friend from across the Rhine to find the solution is the lack of assay volume for the different waveforms
installation of 5 volume buttons for each waveform, can refine the grains of sound, genial.

Notice all the happy owner for knowledge sharing

Formant your

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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Elektor
  • Model: Formant
  • Category: Analog Synth Racks/Sound Modules
  • Added in our database on: 06/06/2007

We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed


Manuals and other files

Other categories in Synthesizers/Racks/Modules

Other names: formant