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Peavey MicroBass
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jeannotcollabo jeannotcollabo
Published on 07/17/05 at 09:29
Value For Money : Excellent
Small study 20w amp 8 transistor.HP pouces.Une between a headphone jack, 3-band EQ and a gain of. One may regret a volume control, but the bass and gain suffisent.Suffisant to start, especially since it would seem to be dot compressor automatically.


We can not be so much easier by playing without knobs ampli.Les facs are not easily obtained and simulated sound is approaching that is to be (a 20w amp is a transistor 150euros approximately).


I'm just playing it a few hours in fact, silent and sound really corect, you can play everything with this little combo, passes without a problem. In fact I came to a drummer friend told me he had a bf amp at home, and that n'tait not bother to bring mine. When I arrived and he showed me this mic combo, I wonder if susi c'tait a joke and if I rellemene play with this little thing cot of a battery pearl (and a drummer rather nag). Not at all, so I was playing with this nano-amp, and although I'm really impressed with t he potato a. We almost heard me well! Yes, yes I assure you, I got along with a 20w amp!


I have therefore used only a few hours but I rouve SIMPATIE trs, it is simple, robust, trs not expensive I think (it should turn into allentours of 150euros in store), so an excellent qualitprix report. In short if you're new and you do not acqurir through an amplifier more powerful than the take, I think it really ideal for beginners.