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SWR Silverado
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Atn Atn
Published on 11/21/03 at 13:01
Tube preamp (Groove Tube 12AX7)
Transistor power amp (220 watts, 350 watts with extension HP)
Effects loop (send / return), two inputs (active / passive), tuner jack, extra hp (8 ohm), XLR out (on out preamp or direct), headphone jack.
HP: 4x8 '+ piezo horn (switchable) + event back ==> great for slap.
Settings: imput, aural enhancer, output, bass, midrange (parametric), treeble, FX loop, limit (switchable).

Too bad there was not a real compressor.


Usage is simple, the corrections are very effective palette of sounds ranging from funk to reggae, to rock, blues, jazz and Latin / bossa. It is hard not to find happiness. All bassists who heard wanted to try it: pleasure guaranteed.

The preamp is particularly magical in the studio or in transplanted for facade on a sound stage. With that, he has no competitors!

However, this amp is not dedicated to the blues-rock genre Ampeg greasy. The sound is fairly straight, well defined flawless. Instead, modern roots, although there is a treat reggae (with HP 1x15 'and more, without sharp horn, with aural enhancer bottom)).
The manual offers a variety of settings.


I play reggae, funk, blues, Latin music. No complaints. I sing Jazz Bass. The sound of 4x8 '+ trunk is a bit tight in the bass in some rooms: an extra HP or 1x15 2x12 is worth while. It then goes from 250 to 320 watts.
I usually shoot in the low 4:00, treble at 2 o'clock (except reggae where they are at 10 am, wrong cut). I never touch the mediums. If I want bass very clean, I push the aural enhancer (which eliminates harmonic noise in reggae), and I gain in clarity without pushing treeble. Otherwise, I put in two hours to get rich harmonics without being invasive (the "Pasto" bridge pickup).

Subcultured on a sound system (large rooms), the preamp does wonders and it touches the end of the end.


I bought 1500 euros in 1996. It is no longer being manufactured except 2x12 "+ Horn Driver.
His great fault is its weight (45kg) and its tail: check it into the car before you buy! I usually do not take ever again, preferring a small Laney BC120. (In the studio, a SansAmp Bass Driver is more convenient but sounds worse than the tube preamp, do not charier!) I bought soon recessed wheels (slot).

An anecdote: one day, in a Blues club in Luxembourg City, a beautiful body to three Ampeg lamps. I plug my bass. Its rotten: the lamps were dead (microphone effect). So I used my SWR and I had a beautiful sound on the front (PA).
In general, the Sound: "Damn! It sounds really good this amp! .." Bassists, envious: "Uh You got your stupid expensive one?" "Yeah: 1500 euros anyway ..." (1996 prices)

Otherwise, I think the 2x12 configuration is more appropriate for a more round. However, coupled with a 1x15 ', it works wonders. The sound does not drool.

I do not know David Eden (former employee of SWR) It seems that's fine too.

I would love to find a small Gallien-Krugher ME (15kg) for my back.

If I had to buy a SWR, I would take a 350 + hp head 2x12 '.