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Zildjian Z Custom Projection Crash 19"

All user reviews for the Zildjian Z Custom Projection Crash 19"

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Value For Money : Poor
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  • samarasamara

    Make room for the mother of the crashes!

    Zildjian Z Custom Projection Crash 19"Published on 09/12/14 at 08:07
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I still have it now but I do because it serves more cracked at the bell, disease Z custom, and why? Because I simply type like a moron above. In short, part of my first crash, I know in and down and across. Good, level, have very heavy ideal to smash the walls of guitars of all kinds. Projection monster, high volume sound, safe monstrous that have ever finished operate, and unlike many crashes it does not scales on the stem of the feet when you play in rhythm. Moreover, it can easily be used as wrinkle, equipped with its large bell which is simply a bell ride. Brief high price indeed, but the baby is worth every penny! I am actively looking for him, so again I count the choice again!