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Digidesign Digi 002 Rack
Digidesign Digi 002 Rack

FireWire audio interface from Digidesign

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Thomas Ramone Thomas Ramone
Published on 04/13/08 at 00:13
Hello all, I acquired this sound card in 2005. It seemed to me to be the best solution for my case: j&#39;tais above all a great passion for music, but wanted to become his Eng. What motivated me to buy ft first common use with Pro Tools since I was going to learn it, then the number of entries, which can record a complete battery you or the whole group of flies with four prampli SERIES! With its many connectors as used in the mid-pro (ADAT, SPDIF, MIDI ...), and its usefulness mobile.
My use was made in an environment amateur and semi-professional recording especially for models.
I am the branch of a Firewire external hard drive Maxtor 7200 rpm / min I also firewire connects my laptop. It&#39;s an ASUS Intel Core Duo with 2 GB of RAM running WinXP SP2.


Prcisment following the guide, the installation does not pose a problem. Some modifications are made to Systm and installation is done by pro tools.
However, I have to do the opration 2 times because I let myself be that proposed by windows to install the card itself, something that is not according to the manual, so no problem at the install!
According to the Digidesign website, my computer n&#39;tait not be compatible with the meaning Digi002R because of its motherboard and hard drive not recognized by Digidesign (Maxtor)! I have not yet had a problem.
On configuring the card, everything is done by pro tools. Everything is configurable but the default custom settings are are good. The software is in English of the same as the instruction manual, but this dernire is available in French on the Digidesign website. All other books (plug-in software Retailer keyboard shortcuts ...) however, are in PDF format with the Pro Tools CD.
I also Discoveries by surprise that a lot of plug-ins come with pro tools (gualisation, compression, d-esser, limiter, rverbe, delay ...) and three other CDs containing version complte Reason, Ableton, and new plug-ins: AmpliTube LE, SampleTank SE and T-RackS EQ. I was able to install without problem set by AmpliTube that crashed for some reason to boot. But be all APRS internet to look for cl ACCS for each plug-ins, I could edit a text file to launch AmpliTube and since then more problem!


The drivers are now stable: I have not had any bug even on 6 hours of continuous recording.
Note that even when I spent some time on the instruction manual pro tools, all is not instinctive, but when we do not know, it is essential to take note.
Concerning latency, for a buffer of maximum size, it is relatively low. A decision instrument can even be performed at this level! I let you imagine what a can be for a minimum buffer size!
Tration, one can read and record 32 tracks 16 tracks simultanment. But I have yet to test the recording tracks with as much, if not read with 16 tracks including plug-ins, automation, ... everything is fine. Note that there is a low latency monitoring mode for recording with no latency while having a maximum buffer size.


So After a few weeks of using it in spring. While I like this sound card! The possibilities are tural extension.
Note however that my c&#39;tait Premire real sound card and that I am fully satisfied.
The report qualitprix, without being excellent, I think is correct.
I would add all of the same you can see for quite some time and many many complaints on the forum, which have many incompatibilities or bugs, I think I had some luck on this move but the Digidesign website is what we can say trs well done, with updates, supports, updates downloads, a forum, something to contact a service-APRS Fran sale, and most importantly, a complete list of incompatibilities with some software and other hardware. In addition, the digi002R markets since 2002 is, so they had time to make changes and updates interface, so that those sold today get a better stability .
I would do IMMEDIATE this choice because, above all, the quality and the experience digidesign is recognized worldwide, so why not for the home studio!
And you do not run especially without reading the manual and visit the Digidesign website!
Be careful, I was not looking at all the versatility, which can be a barrier for some, dsireux touching everything!

APRS and 3 years ...?
To date, following these few years of use, I am still satisfied. I have no problem adapting the evolution of my computer hardware, Pro Tools, the peripherals and had no trouble or crash compatibility (I recall that I&#39;m on PC). She traveled: chang environment, temprature, excluding alas transport (even when in flight case!) And did not flinch as everything is new!
For advice, opinion or suggestion, Do not hesitate to contact me.