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Digidesign Digi 002 Rack
Digidesign Digi 002 Rack

FireWire audio interface from Digidesign

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maximegendre maximegendre
Published on 04/18/06 at 13:23
It's going to level connections are a lot of stuff but less than the price concurence gal (no AES / EBU or BNC for clock). Satisfying all the same throughout.


Plutt as well on this point is very simple installation (no driver) and all software works well with.


The use as same is simple and well thought. However, when used with Pro Tools (LE 6.4), it is not stable and often rev the computer loses the card, it is true that my computer is not powerful trs (mac 700 MHz) I do not know if it s a. .. Any fawn it is clear that it is better to have more power to use it if it's not the top. For latency there is nothing scandalous.


I use it for 1 year and I do not know if I do it again this choice. Rel is the only advantage that you can use Pro Tools (Digidesign thank you ...). but if not better go in RME or motu me, because for the same price it has more connectivity and better sound.
What is the biggest problem m'ammne the digi: the sound. the 4 pramps are shit and trs convertos ways ... even when hurt when dbourse over 1000 euros. the pramps are soft and unfit treat high frequencies. for converters, I find they tend to take life to the sound of dpart and miss a little wide at the bottom.
If you are not an absolute fan of Pro Tools is best to use DP or Logic etc. and do not buy this sound card, it was loud and clear.