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Thread 18i20 not receiving sound from SPDIF or Optical

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1 18i20 not receiving sound from SPDIF or Optical
Hi - I have a Scarlett 18i20 (3rd gen) which I need to use either the SPDIF or Optical inputs on, but whatever I do in the Focusrite Control software I can't get it to pick up any sound.

The input is coming from an Analogue to Digital converter (all 8 analogue inputs are used by drum mics) which has an iPhone as it's input and then outputs either as Optical or SPDIF. Essentially it's so I can play backing tracks through the Scarlett whilst rehearsing drums. The converter I'm using is this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09YCQG9JV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Whatever combination of Sample Rate, Clock Source and Digital I/O mode I use it never actually plays any audio. I've checked the cables and Analogue to Digital converter on another device (and AV receiver) and all work on that.

Is there some random setting I'm missing somewhere to get this working? Any help much appreciated!