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Behringer B-2 Pro
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«  A monitor! »

Published on 01/19/12 at 10:36
See doc of the manufacturer.


This is the only condenser microphone that I tried (I have been offered) and I must say that, given the price, it is rather interesting for small "home-studio owners" who, like me, n ' have no means but looking for a micro stretch with a minimum of interest.
Even if the lump desired by Behringer to 12kHz can disturb, it also "clarify" his voice a little (I tend to be severe enough). Not necessarily a fatal flaw in itself, but if you want to leave a voice proper, it must apply to the song and ... the mix!
I have never tried otherwise than for singing.

The title "watch" is that it is some time after plugging it as usual on my EMU 1820, here I am with a sound that fluctuates and who finally cutting back a few minutes later and disappears new.
Having heard of some problems with the phantom power supply of the EMU, I order a nice little box that allows me to power two condenser microphones and there ... always the same!
I did not dare to start my incriminate B2-PRO and yet it is of him is the problem (I said he is always stored in its original plastic bag then put in the suitcase).
I dismounted and I realized that the head containing the capsule is somehow plugged into the body of the microphone and it may well be that the contacts merdouillent time. By slightly turning the head (without forcing either), the problem seems to have disappeared for some time. A monitor!