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JB Systems Storm Bird
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dj ju sourisonic dj ju sourisonic
Published on 01/19/09 at 02:45
I use it since 2005 discomobile gnraliste ... I have only small effects machines, both alone at night and making the sound of passion and not as mtier, no time or money to the grate DMX, etc. make PGMS.
For the price (barely more than a simple Derby), it's really an excellent effect! I liked the games have long prism of lights (especially mateclair I could see the shows ... it's good sr is not the same quality of manufacturing and the same power that mateclair ... but the price is not the same either).
The Stormbirds is bright enough rooms for 100/150 people, gobos are pretty and the colors are super nice and bright thanks to the many and varied combinations couraging through the prism rendering ... overall is excellent and covers a large area ...
Unlike many games of lights discomobile orients, it is very well Designed and solid, ventilation is very well thought because it heats trs little, which can leave on long enough (indeed, the end of the evening (when there is no really greater world), I let it run only because it cools quickly and covers well trs alone was used to ... to wait before you disassemble 3H)
Yes it is heavy and the lyre attachment is not practical, but hey, the weight is a guarantee of quality both on the frame that will support good transportation and the transformer is properly sized for the 250W light bulb ...
Last point ... if there is any problem ... it's a fact distributed by JB Systems, which means a quality of customer service (they even have t up to provide me of spices for an effect of another brand ...).
For history to repeat the choice if I had space and money, I think I would take a second, but I like to have several effects DIFFERENT, I chose to take several Other games of lights ... in any case, I try to buy up at JB for their quality gear and service