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FreeHand Systems MusicPad Pro Plus

All user reviews for the FreeHand Systems MusicPad Pro Plus

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  • mitt67mitt67

    FreeHand Systems MusicPad Pro PlusPublished on 05/17/07 at 02:20
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use this product now for almost 2 years. Commissioned in the United States import price of the beast makes you think 2 times before buying ...
    While the quality is there, is you get used quickly to stop scores have a lot of lying around without having to search before finding the right one!

    Side use is simple, the pen is very convenient for touch-screen editing, but even without (the finger) the precision is perfect. An installation CD comes with the pad that lets you manage partitions and convert format (PDF, Finale ...) the size of the Music Pad Pro. It is very easy to use.

    If I do it again do it again this choice will certainly do for practical reasons and obvious management sh…
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    I use this product now for almost 2 years. Commissioned in the United States import price of the beast makes you think 2 times before buying ...
    While the quality is there, is you get used quickly to stop scores have a lot of lying around without having to search before finding the right one!

    Side use is simple, the pen is very convenient for touch-screen editing, but even without (the finger) the precision is perfect. An installation CD comes with the pad that lets you manage partitions and convert format (PDF, Finale ...) the size of the Music Pad Pro. It is very easy to use.

    If I do it again do it again this choice will certainly do for practical reasons and obvious management sheet music.

    PS: Little more, even if the internal memory is full, you can plug a USB stick and read therein partitions directly (with a key is provided).
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