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Fame SM-150A MKIII

All user reviews for the Fame SM-150A MKIII

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Value For Money : Excellent
Users reviews
  • DjinnSumoDjinnSumo

    First scene complete purchase pr

    Fame SM-150A MKIIIPublished on 01/20/12 at 02:21
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)

    I bought a pair of his pregnant pr complete a scene welcoming two groups (with else returns javais scene that previously).

    Pr was a trial and personal it was conclusive so I'll take a pair. Easy to use with good sound reproduction and not making the arsene.

    Obviously at that price I ask them to do the job of returning a 3000 euro but personal 'they have done well the taff. I recommend pr their quality / price ratio and pr groups that make a lot of bars and small scenes type 250/300 people.

  • tchinnnisstchinnniss

    change of opinion

    Fame SM-150A MKIIIPublished on 05/08/10 at 00:42
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    just good to see a boost (and again)
    hp very very fragile, I burned them gently one by one and the price has aivendu shabby
    especially not a buy, the more it is ugly !!!!!