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Thread Sonar 3 crashing

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1 Sonar 3 crashing
Sonar 3 crashes constantly on me. Just freezes up and dies.

Here is my system:

Dell Pentium 4 (Dimension 4600) running at 3.06 Ghz, with hyperthreading technology
1 gig RAM
120-gig HD
Windows XP Home 5.1

Sound Cards:
Soundblaster Audigy 2 for Midi
Aardvark LX6 for audio

I have downloaded the most recent Aardvark drivers. I have disabled virtually every little computer program and function that uses any memory (I really don't think it's a memory issue). I've upgraded to Sonar 3.1.1. Still, the program hangs up and then crashes, often after using it for 5 minutes. I have to reboot my computer to make it work again.

It happens when I'm doing the simplest things, like playing back an audio track.

Is this a function of the infamous Aardvark drivers? Is it a function of my not putting all my audio media on a separate hard drive?

Any help/advice much appreciated.


Paul S.