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Denon DJ DN-D6000
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will_sound971 will_sound971
Published on 05/15/07 at 07:56
Value For Money : Excellent
How long have you use it?

For 3-4months

- What is so special that you like best?

MP3 function (effects, scratch ...)! It trèèèès practice in the evening. I find myself with a pocket 24cds instead of 2 or 3 a hundred cds.
Displaying tracks.
The backspin possible.
Two loops and two hot start drive by.
The robustness of the plate.
The effect scratch (which I almost never saw the size of the board) but effective pr make toy.
Until now she has read all my mp3 cds!

- What is so special that you like the least?

Slow loading on some CD-R burned badly (too fast) or specific brand of CD-R, in fact I'm not sure. When I burn at 8x Memorex recognizes the plate fast enough but on the other over 12x it just take 5 seconds to +.
It's not very serious problem when many of these cd-r.
You can not make the memo cd mp3.

- How would you rate the quality / price?
Very good price / quality ratio, I got it for just under € 800. So I think I can sell it well in a year or two.

- With experience, you do again this choice?
Yes to replace the dn2600f Disco for example,
this board is convenient for transportation.