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Sony MDR-V700DJ
Sony MDR-V700DJ

DJ headphone from Sony belonging to the MDR series

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luluone luluone
Published on 05/25/06 at 03:36
I use it for a year to mix.
I find trs ergonomic you put it in the neck has held its own.
The spiral cable is very practical: no ESG dplacer to go rummaging through your box of vinyl records ...
It may be a bit fragile, but hey you do not have to behave like a savage with its hardware ... For me no problem.
This is my first headphone, so I can not make comparisons with other products but I find it insulates well and the quality of sound to the mix is ​​good.
Attention to the ears before they explode your headset you can mount the volume it did not flinch.
Report qualitprix normal.
I would do this but I deprecated choice for people who do not care forcment their hardware.