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V Expressions TD-12 Kits

V Expressions TD-12 Kits

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(1 reviews)
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V Expressions TD-12 KitsPublished on 03/14/08 at 07:58
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
V Expressions TD-12 Kits

By Kelermes on 13/12/2007 at 14:48 Practice music as a hobby.

Global Reviews
I use this kit (Master kit1) for 8 days.

What I like +.

The quality of sound settings that are available, your unit is metamorphosed. IT'S FOOT

What I like -


The quality / price / performance is EXCELLENT.

And YES I would definitely do it again this election for a second and I would recommend this product who is looking for good settings without wanting
this to lead them or even realize.

On 13/12/07

After 10 days of use at + or - 2 hours a day I say more NOTHING ELSE BUY EYES CLOSED

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V Expressions TD-12 Kits

By Kelermes on 13/12/2007 at 14:48 Practice music as a hobby.

Global Reviews
I use this kit (Master kit1) for 8 days.

What I like +.

The quality of sound settings that are available, your unit is metamorphosed. IT'S FOOT

What I like -


The quality / price / performance is EXCELLENT.

And YES I would definitely do it again this election for a second and I would recommend this product who is looking for good settings without wanting
this to lead them or even realize.

On 13/12/07

After 10 days of use at + or - 2 hours a day I say more NOTHING ELSE BUY EYES CLOSED

THANK YOU for reading
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: V Expressions
  • Model: TD-12 Kits
  • Category: Expansion Boards for Electronic Instruments
  • Added in our database on: 11/09/2007

We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed


Other categories in Electronic instrument

Other names: td 12 kits, td12kits, td12 kits, td 12kits